Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sheila Leahy Rears Her Ugly, Racist Head Again.

Mayor Menino and his cronies have brought out Sheila Leahy (again) to try to smear Fire Captain James Berlo. We knew it was coming before someone wrote in to the YouTube videos about her. The problem is she has zero credibility as a cursory view into her employment history alone will prove. Plus she drops the n-bomb like it's going out of style but that's nothing new for much of the BFD. Plus, just LOOK at her..... there with Assistant DA Julie Higgins: Together they make life hard for James Berlo and anyone in his family, including his sister. Especially including his sister. And Tony Gaston.

The full story we started with the videos in this post will be told to the Boston's first new Mayor, to City Council and to the entire City.

And like clockwork the day after Elections and after Mr. Berlo started talking after 5 years a Attorney Marisa A. Campagna files an MCAD brief against him, his sister, her husband and anyone else they could think of intimidating or silencing. The whole thing is just flat disgusting. This is far from over -- the real fun starts now and the whole City of Boston will know about it.


  1. Imagine Dan Conley could have been Mayor !!!

  2. This freak ADA ( Julie Sunkle Higgins ) has to be waiting for a visit from the FBI for what she has done to this Fireman, can you say "Color Of Law " ? it is the law and required that FBI handle it...
    unbelievable how many absolute scumbags are in such positions ( like ADA Allison Callahan )

  3. you are so right, but its not easy dealing with the Fed's

  4. sorry it has taken so long to respond , but I am so Computer illiterate and my Computer died and now have Microsoft 8 and it is not user friendly.

  5. see what a fat fuck ive become , and TV makes you ten pounds uglier!!

  6. I should be able to sue for defaming my taste in Woman , this "Southie Skank" I never considered a Woman , plus I never had Sex with a Woman this old!!

  7. icky ,,,,,, the Lee sisters Oralee & Ananalee typical SOUTHIE whores, it's funny to Southie people these are Hot Chick's , you know what the #1 Valentine given in South Boston is Valentines Day? a Restraining Order,

  8. hey ,watch it, facts are o.k. & helpful.
