Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Former Boston Mayor Menino's True Evil Nature Comes Out in Blighted Properties Video with Reporer Erin Smith.

Here is the story. This is your legacy Mr. Mayor. We know you and your cronies hate the exposure but you've earned it so we're going to give it to you good:
Mayor Thomas M. Menino has let downtown commercial landowners dodge millions in taxes by declaring their prime properties “blighted” under an arcane decades-old law — plum tax breaks three developers are scrambling to cement before the new mayor takes over, a Herald review found. These deals are drawing renewed fire from the city’s chief watchdog agency, which is asking why they still exist amid an almost unprecedented building boom that has developers falling over one another for the chance to cash in. 

“These incentives are unnecessary. I don’t think you can consider downtown Boston blighted,” said Matt Cahill, executive director at Boston Finance Commission. “The original intent was to create low-income housing in areas that developers wouldn’t normally build. The benefit is not being seen by the taxpayers as much as it did in the 1940s when the program started. 

“Unfortunately in modern times, almost the entire downtown area of Boston is considered a blighted area,” Cahill said, “and a vast amount of the developers that are getting these tax breaks don’t need the money to build.”
For more information about the Menino patterns of corruption watch these videos and educate yourself. His departure will continue to open up a can of worms as the Truth comes out. Note also that the Herald channeled our video by using the same exact spooky intro music. We are being heard. And we will continue to be heard, before City Council and all over town.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Will Boston Local 718 Take Down This Facebook Picture and Video Too in its Marty Walsh Post?

See if they take down our comments and video that tell the Truth: Albert Arroyo cannot even get a copy of his goddman pension file because the whole process was so stinking CORRUPT. And Mayor Menino was the puppet master behind all of it. This man didn't want any parts of a pension right now, he wanted to return to his desk job as any legacy fire fighter would be. As to Mayor Menino, good riddance to bad rubbish. Here is their Facebook, you watch and see what they do with it.

See also the picture at the Boston Fire Department Facebook.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sheila Leahy Rears Her Ugly, Racist Head Again.

Mayor Menino and his cronies have brought out Sheila Leahy (again) to try to smear Fire Captain James Berlo. We knew it was coming before someone wrote in to the YouTube videos about her. The problem is she has zero credibility as a cursory view into her employment history alone will prove. Plus she drops the n-bomb like it's going out of style but that's nothing new for much of the BFD. Plus, just LOOK at her..... there with Assistant DA Julie Higgins: Together they make life hard for James Berlo and anyone in his family, including his sister. Especially including his sister. And Tony Gaston.

The full story we started with the videos in this post will be told to the Boston's first new Mayor, to City Council and to the entire City.

And like clockwork the day after Elections and after Mr. Berlo started talking after 5 years a Attorney Marisa A. Campagna files an MCAD brief against him, his sister, her husband and anyone else they could think of intimidating or silencing. The whole thing is just flat disgusting. This is far from over -- the real fun starts now and the whole City of Boston will know about it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why are Bank of America, Massachusetts DA and Mintz, Levin, Cohen, Ferris Glovsky and Popeo Law Firm Reading our Blog?

CBS  1 visit Oct 23
Bank Of America 7 visits Oct 23-29
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts 4 visits Oct 28-29
Massachusetts District Attorneys Association
City Of Boston 6 visits Oct 29
Boston University 4 visits Oct 22
Harvard University  1 visit Oct 28
University Of Massachusetts At Boston 4 visits Oct 28
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky And Popeo, P.c
3 visits Oct 28 + 1 visit today Oct 30
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts 1 visit Oct 28

We think we know why but we'll let you figure it out. 
Marty Walsh or John Connolly will have to face the music 
that Mayor Menino created.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Boston Firefighters Speak Out About Mayor Menino, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Pension and Healthcare Violations, Racism and Retaliation.

Join us on Facebook.

Some of you may recall Boston Mayor Menino's so-called 2008 crackdown on pension abuse (NECN). What you didn't know is that the Mayor had no intention of correcting the real abuses so instead the Department orchestrated a witch hunt against Albert Arroyo, charging him with Federal fraud crimes. A Federal Jury cleared him of any wrongdoing because it turns out that the City doctor knew he was weight training because it helped his back condition after two on-the-job injuries. But Arroyo was still forced out of his job and to date he cannot get any information on his pension, despite several Certified U.S. Mailings. The Boston Herald reported that a full-fledged arbitration was supposed to be held in fall, 2011 but it never did. 

What's worse is that most of Boston's lawyers know that they will find themselves in hot water if they rock the boat too much so he can't find a way to bring his concerns to light. Mr. Arroyo -- like most of Boston's other forgotten heroes -- has to pin his hopes for justice on a new City Council in the wake of Mayor Menino. Come next month and going forward the new Boston Mayor -- be it Marty Walsh or John Connolly -- will have to convene a full investigation and that Mayor and City Council will have to issue emergency decrees to fix what went wrong under Menino not only for the firefighters who appear in this video series, but to make it right going into the future. Once the taxpayers learn the Truth about Boston Fire Department and Mayor Menino's strong arm politics the school bus strike will seem like small potatoes next to this:

"The first thing the current Union President did was light up a marijuana cigarette as soon as we got around the corner from the firehouse"

-Tony Gaston

"Drugs and alcohol was there since day one... they had alcohol on the job whether it was in the pepsi machines or if someone would bring it in.....when we got on assignments I noticed that I wasn't well-welcomed into the firehouse."

-Albert Arroyo

The Union did nothing except send nasty text messages.

The stories of Tony Gaston, Richard McLoughlin and James Berlo are no better. Tony Gaston was fired just shy of 28 years because they 
allegedly found marijuana in his car. This does not happen to legacy firefighters. He is almost homeless now as the City moves to collect on back taxes. Richard McLoughlin was pushed out after he broke his leg and forced to take substantially less on his pension than he was entitled. No one at Local 718 cares. Call 617-435-8177 for more info.

"The medical office harassed firefighters on a constant basis. They made false reports on my medical record and it is documented.... I lost 28% and I don't think any other firefighter should have to go through what I went through..... If you're being forced to retire you should receive 100% disability and 100% pay," says McLoughlin.

James Berlo was railroaded out of his position after he challenged a white superior who was harassing and reprimanding a black firefighter who allegedly shot him a look after a tough basketball game.

"I confronted him about it, and he said 'why are you protecting this no good nigger piece of shit,'" claims Berlo. "In the end what is was about was I wouldn't let this Lieutenant punish this black firefighter.... and that started 15 years of constant escalating retaliation. For the firefighter, what he had to endure was unbelievable. I'm here today because he is not the only story, the culture of this department is so pervasive and it has actually cost people's lives -- civilians and firefighters."

The real stories of the Boston Fire Department have yet to be told. In the next installment these and other firefighters will name names and cite to more specific instances of misconduct and demand action from Boston City Council.